13 April 2012

stressed =[

so stress...
mid year coming in like 2 weeks time
and i'm not even started to prepare anything yet
i'm afraid...
i cant do well again for my MYE
it's all just so scary

i really feel like just to give up everything
but think of my family and those that concern about me
i cant just leave things like this
and go to another place myself

i'm good at being weird
i'm good at saying nonsense
i'm good at keeping all my feelings the other way
i'm good at messing up my life
i'm just an irritate...

i just want love and care from my friend
i just want everyone to stay together in peace and harmony
i just want everything to be smooth
i just want a person that will pay attention to me
even to those small details

i will be very grateful
i will be very happy
i will be very touched

that's all i want

and i realized that it's really hard to achieve

even i cant keep my promise

should i expect other people to keep their promises too?

my life is just full of shit
where people just keep coming in to disturb
to destroy

i just want a small little castle in my life
where no one can come in

too bad
this society just forbid me from doing this

just want to forced me....